what is a
super talented
Every kid is unique in his/her own way. Each possesses something extraordinary talent within. But always look forward to being projected in a perfect manner
Super Talented Kid, a platform for the kids below 16 years, which can extend the best recognition to their talent, efforts, and achievements, also every single move/effort towards the dreams/goals is best acknowledged to boost their confidence and make an impact internationally.
Super Talented Kid is a platform for the kids whose activities/achievements cannot be recorded in the measurement/breakable category but are unique, motivating, and inspiring for the world.
SUPER TALENTED KID provides a recognition Certification from IB Records for the skilled abilities, talent and for any effort that make these kids different and inspire others to reach their dreams with a positive aspect and bring a change in the society to make it a happy place live in.
- The Super Talented Kid Title Holder will get a Free Certificate (11”X16”) size.
- The Super Talented Kid Title Holder will be highlighted across all Official Super Talented Kid website and the social media platforms.
- The Super Talented Kid Title Holder will be published in the annual Book of Super Talented Kid.
- The Super Talented Kid Title Holder will get honored for their achievement in the Annual Award Show.
- Meet & Greet with Bollywood/Sports Celebrity in the Award Show.

legal notice
- This document acts as a guide to the specific considerations and undertakings for your potential attempt and are to be used in conjunction with the Guide to Your Evidence, which outlines the evidences we require to verify the success of your attempt.
- These guidelines should be read and understood by all concerned with the SUPER TALENTED KID attempt prior to the attempt – this includes the process that need to be followed by every parents/guardians/participant.
- These guidelines are specific to your attempt and must be followed. Should any part of these guidelines be conflicting, your attempt will be disqualified without any right of appeal.
- Additionally, these guidelines in no way provide any kind of safety advice and cannot be construed as providing any comfort that the attempt is free from risk.
- SUPER TALENTED KID accepts no responsibility for the safety of participants or by standers in any attempt. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that all necessary safety precautions are in place and that all equipment used is suitable and thoroughly checked prior to the attempt taking place and (b) you are in compliance with all applicable health and safety laws and regulations.
- SUPER TALENTED KID does not allow promoting any kind of alcoholic stuff, prohibited drinks, drugs and smoking for the attempt. SUPER TALENTED KID also does not allow any kind of minor, bird and animal abuse during the attempt. If such acts are found in the attempt, SUPER TALENTED KID will not entertain such attempt.
- We encourage parents/guardians to become involved in their children’s experience. Please discuss the guidelines with your child so they understand how to use the SUPER TALENTED KID Services and the kind of information we may ask them.
- Certain of the SUPER TALENTED KID Services may request personal data from the user. Where the child will be prompted to provide contact details of their parents or legal guardians and will also be prompted to ask their parents or guardians to consent to the provision of personal data by the child. Where you do not wish your child to provide personal data, please do not provide your consent.
- Submitting an application: Parents and guardians of a child can submit a claim for SUPER TALENTED KID TITLE to us by creating a personal account. As part of this process, an email address for verifying the account and the name and date of birth of the child will need to be provided. Here, we expect parents or guardian to get in touch with us by email. Where consent is subsequently received, personal data collected as part of this process will be used in accordance with the terms of a separate agreement that we require all applicants to enter into.
SUPER TALENTED KID requires all the below mentioned documents while submitting the application in order for us to verify the title application according to the norms of SUPER TALENTED KID
cover letter you can provide SUPER TALENTED KID a clear overview of the
attempt. It is the final document, which you complete after the attempt and
before submitting your evidence, as it provides a road map for SUPER
TALENTED KID management team while assessing your evidence.
For supporting your title application, photographs are compulsory evidence as they help the team to witness the achieved and verify other documents.
- Significant moments/images supporting your title attempt should be submitted.
- The photographs must be high definition (HD). The HD images will give you a better appearance on our website and book.
- The pictures should show each stage of your Title application; preparation, attempt and outcome.
- The photographs should supplement and reflect the moving images we see in the video evidence.
- Variety and action should be shown in the pictures.
- Your photographs must be labeled clearly with a description of what the images show.
Our Management Team can correctly judge and verify other documents if you provide complete video footage of your attempt. The videos are a primary source of verification.
- The video evidence should include the entire activity.
- The camera should focus on the activity only so that observing the application becomes easier.
- If the activity lasts more than one-hour, significant moments should be marked in that case (a list of the times can be provided).
- Do include all the parts that are relevant to the activity. Preparations should be included in the certain attempts.
- A brief introduction of an activity (including name, city, country, attempting the activity, Application reference number) can be given at the start of the video.
- We accept links (YouTube, Vimeo) of the video footage that can be accessed and downloaded Online.
- We need you to post the original videos and other documents/supporting material on the following Address: 294 (Mezzanine Floor), Tarun Enclave, Pitam Pura, Near Deepali Chowk, New Delhi – 110034, India
You need a video to be sent briefing the complete achievements of an applicant claiming the Title of SUPER TALENTED KID. The video will make understanding the attempt better, giving a clear picture of what the attempt is all about.
- Video must be of good quality (HD).
- Make sure the sound/voice quality is clear.
- First part of the video must include your details like name, about the attempt – as what it is.
- Then explain how you thought about it, when and how you started.
- Explain your achievement in detail and what all it takes to get through with it.
Please read this document carefully before submitting your evidence:
While submitting evidence the applicant’s parent/guardian must always sign the “Annexure” and if the material or part of it does not belong to the applicant then the owner of the material should always sign the “Annexure”. SUPER TALENTED KID will not process your attempt's claim without the submission of the signed ‘'Annexure”.
Procedure to submit materials & evidence:
- Please submit your materials as set out in the guidelines for your evidence.
- Once you submit your activity with all your evidence, SUPER TALENTED KID will not return any materials to you under any.
- It is the complete responsibility of the applicant’s parent/guardian to make sure the evidence is fully submitted with all the required proofs, details and explanation. Otherwise attempt would be rejected.
- SUPER TALENTED KID need full permission on your concerned material deposited in the support of your claim.
- Annexure relates to evidence that you and owners of the material give permission to use the evidence and materials (or ask your parents or guardian to sign it). SUPER TALENTED KID has the right to use your material in any media, and place.
- In order to comply with the above requirement, it is advisable to consider carefully the type of material you intend to submit in advance of your activity.
- You should consider the type of evidence you will reply upon. Photographs or videos are generally straightforward as usually only the permission of the photographers or camera operators is required (but you should always check that he or she does own the rights to the images or videos). However, Music, Film Clips and Television attempting can lead to rights difficulties. Therefore, unless the latter categories are essential to your submission, it is advisable not to include them.
- Do include the permission you got for playing the song/music for your attempt (if any) otherwise we have the full authority to change the music behind the attempt.
If in case, somewhere you think submitting all above evidence are not required or may not be able to arrange the evidence, than you need to contact your attempt Manager before making your attempt to determine if it will be possible to proceed with the application despite not being able to provide the necessary evidence.
For more details contact: officialibrecords@gmail.com
No. These objects can be huge, costly, fragile and often perishable. Thus we do not demand the actual things to be sent to us.
For videos, photographs, official certificates and other additional evidence copies are justifiable. SUPER TALENTED KID secures the right to demand originals of any evidence where it is regarded that the copy is of inadequate quality.
Media coverage is not a compulsory requirement. If you have some media coverage SUPER TALENTED KID would be glad to review them.
Yes, Annexure should be signed by you and the owners of supporting materials when you send evidence which you either own or have permission to allow SUPER TALENTED KID to use. In most cases, we would therefore expect you to be signing and submitting this Annexure. By signing the Annexure you allow SUPER TALENTED KID to use the materials.
Yes. You will receive an email from SUPER TALENTED KID confirming the arrival of your evidence.
Upon arrival of the documents, the review process will take upto 8 weeks. The status of an application can be checked by logging in to the applicants account on the website or an enquiry can be sent through the correspondence function available in your account by selecting your application.